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Linda Blakley

Linda Blakley is the Vice President of the Office of Public Relations and Communications at DePaul University. Before joining the university's Office of Public Relations and Co……

Students Eat Their Veggies — And Plant and Grow and Sell Them

Heading down Church Street just west of Dodge Avenue, one finds it nearly impossible to miss the welcoming façade of Y.O.U’s (Youth & Opportunity United) brand new 12,000-square-fo……

Susan Brenner

Susan Brenner formerly served as Y.O.U.'s Board President, and has served the Chicagoland community through both her career and volunteer efforts. She earned a master’s degree ……

Al Butkus

Al Butkus joined the Y.O.U. Board in 2011 and serves on the Executive Committee and is chair of the Facilities Committee. He is an engineer and recently retired as a senior pri……

Matthew English

Matthew is a strategic business partner responsible for HR leadership with Exelon. He and his team are responsible for development and implementation of organizational strategi……

Richard Hubbard

Richard Hubbard currently serves as Secretary of Y.O.U. Board of Directors and is a member of the Y.O.U. Executive Committee. Rick recently retired after a long career with Pfi……

Adele Martel

Adele Martel is originally from New England and has lived in Evanston for 15 years. She has served on Y.O.U.’s Community Counsel since 2015. She is honored to be working with……

Tom Scott

Tom Scott has been a Board member since 2010, is a past President of the Board, and serves on the Finance and Advancement Committees. In 2012 he retired as the Senior VP of Lif……

Cindy Wilson

Cindy Wilson is a Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Bluhm Legal Clinic Center on Externships at Northwestern University School of Law. Cindy teaches classes inc……

C. Louise Brown

C. Louise Brown has been a Y.O.U. Board member since 2005. She has served on the Governance Committee. However, her involvement in the Evanston community and her concern for th……